How to lose weight fast at home?

Fast weight loss foods

We have all heard many times that rapid weight loss is detrimental to the body and beauty (skin can land ugly in thin areas and you will think about folk remedies against stretch marks). In addition, lost weight can be quickly regained exactly as it melts.

Still, not all of us can safely follow a proper diet week after week to control lost pounds.

And someone urgently needs to lose weight! For example, before a resort or a wedding. . .

How to lose weight fast at home? It is possible, but difficult.

It depends on how much you want to become easier. If, say, 20 pounds a month, then this is an impossible task. And if you lose 5-7 pounds in a few weeks, then it's not that hard!

Set realistic goals for yourself and we will tell you the main points of such urgent weight loss. So.

Thin rules

  • Food can be left unchanged, just put it on a plate, usually 2/3 of an ordinary soldier, and then whole - half. It’s best to take a small plate so you don’t fool your subconscious because you seem to have a full glass!
  • Forget the word "diet" altogether. You are not on a diet! You just drastically decided to become skinny and beautiful and do everything for it. And diet - this word is dangerous and psychologically pushes you to immediately run to the refrigerator and in case of "crisis" to make a supply of fats.
  • Agree with yourself to leave the confectionery and sweets until the very desired event (resort or holiday). But do not deprive yourself of too little joy! You can get candy a day as a reward for being smart all day.
  • Do not bother to buy healthy food. Always have kefir, herbs, vegetables, fruits in your fridge. You can buy packages of frozen vegetables and make vegetable stews or barrels every day. Late in the evening, when you want to enjoy a meal, pour a huge glass of kefir and quietly enjoy it for a long time.
  • At this time you can easily give up greasy and fried! Especially if you hang a photo where you are the thinnest and most beautiful in the most conspicuous place.
Happy girl after rapid weight loss

But if you think that you can manage only with such simple rules, then you are deeply mistaken. Effective weight loss requires sacrifice!

More tips

  • Get rid of the habit of eating in front of the TV and computer. It's time! Try to feel that you are already having enough fun, where else am I going?
  • Physical activity - you can not go anywhere without them, if you decide to lose weight fast at home, without the intervention of specialists. Do not look anxiously at the nearest gym. Sign up for a pool or dance - where physical activity will give you great pleasure!
  • Or you can just dance at home for half an hour and spend 40 minutes at a brisk pace in your home. Excellent load!
  • Try to reduce salt intake to a minimum. By the way, and sugar definitely. It lasts for a month, it is a dubious pleasure, you will realize it in a few days when the body is cleansed. Drink structured water at home for your health.
  • Do not forget the porridge. They are perfectly saturated and low in calories. The same goes for vegetable salads with the addition of vegetable oil. Forget alcohol! Small sacrifice in the name of beauty, right?

Finally, we recommend that you keep a diary about your beauty, where you will be motivated on your own, to catch yourself in difficult times. Better yet, keep such a daily weight loss in some communities. Your support is guaranteed!